I can only think that either my scales are just useless or I was holding a lot of water last week because in the past 8 days or so I have done nothing but eat.
I was quite sick (not throw-up sick, ill sick) for a couple of days which may have a lot to do with the weight loss but unlike a lot of people, when I feel ill I just want to eat to make myself feel better.
But anyway, I lost nearly 2 kgs so I should just accept it and not overanalyse.
I made it to a whole month without chocolate. I won't do that again. Denying myself chocolate just made me crave it even more. But I did it because I wanted to see if I could take control over just one aspect of my bad relationship with food. I'm telling you, I did so well. I have an anonymous benefactor who sent Mr Mac home with tim tams through the week and I didn't touch any of them until my month was up. Even since then, I have been extra specially good and controlled my tim tam portions. The tim tams may actually last longer than a week this time!
I don't know if these two things are related but it's some coincidence... Since I started eating chocolate again (and I admit- it's been a lot of chocolate with it being Easter and all) I have been having the strangest dreams. In one I told someone very dear to me exactly what I thought of someone else not so dear to me. In another I was giving Peter Barlow from Coronation St a shoulder massage (he was very nice in my dream!) and in another couple, I met the girls from America's Next Top Model (including chatting up Nigel "Woof" Barker). Bizarre! And I remembered everything about the dreams when I woke up. I know I dream a lot and I do remember quite a bit but these dreams were so vivid and so strange that they're way out of the ordinary, even for me.
Oh and Mr Mac brought me home my Take That cd which I promised myself after a chocolate-free month on the very day that the month expired. It's very good. Very girly and pop- just the way I like my pop music.
*I never knew how good cucumber could be if you peel and deseed it. I loved it before but now....
** I also never how effective a technique this is for garlicking up bread. It's like your garlic bread but without the butter- brilliant!
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