Monday, April 02, 2007

124.3 I was doing so well until Friday

Honest, I was really getting back on track until Friday when the carb craving took over. Pasta, pasta and more pasta. Saturday was another illegal visit to Burger King and Sunday we had a beautiful lunch with friends with Prawn Cakes, Curry Laksa and a Strawberry Fool. Also gthis week, I had my first taste of alcohol for the past month. It was luvverly!

I had a shite week where exercise was concerned. Could not be arsed.

I didn't write down what I was eating either.

Still, I went down 300g from last week so it's not all bad news.

It's all going to change from today, back to slavishly writing down everything that passes my lips. God, it's boring but it's the only way this is going to work for me.

Favourite diet food this week has been Quakers Caramel Corn Rice Cakes which were specially flown in from the USA*. Very Oprah, isn't it? Flying in diet food from the USA. Well, everything else about my attempts to lose weight have been Oprah-esque so why not? Up and down, up and down, me and Oprah, we're yoyo dieting twins.

*Thanks Andi!


Andrea Knapp said...

Stella, everyone has ups and downs! and BTW, more rice thingies on the way!

Ranch, Apple Cinammon, Cheese and Caramel Corn.....

Don't tell me dieting isn't fun!

Where the wild ones grow said...

Hi Stella,
I only managed to stick to my "diet" last year because hubby joined in with me. We both helped each other, stick to eating less and doing sport and basically resisting, we didn't give up wine though. It was great fun, really.
I am not suggesting that Mr Mac has a need to lose weight of course, but maybe he can tone up for the summer....
Keep going