Monday, March 05, 2007

126.6kgs Oops! I did it again!

Time for another new leaf. After much procrastination, over-indulgence and just plain laziness, husband and I decided we had to start all over again with the weight loss. So here it is.

I weighed myself this morning for the firs time since 8th August 2006. You can see how much weight I've gained since that time from the titles of the posts. What? Do I have to do the maths as well? Anyway, I'm so dreadfully disappointed in myself. I knew the weight was piling back on because my clothes are getting tighter and tighter. Do you know anyone else who has to loosen their jeans every time they sit down? I could also see it so clearly in my photos from Rome. Plus, my eating habits have just got out of hand, of course I was going to be gaining weight. I've had no self control, my portion sizes have got bigger and bigger and chocolate and crisps have been thrown down my gullet at an alarming rate. The worst part of it all has been that I've been conscious of it all along and said at least seven times a week since August that "I really must get my weight back under control".

So where do I start? Well, I've gained 14kgs back since my lowest weight of summer 2005 so I suppose to start with, I should be trying to shift that. I've decided a few things which are:
  • I will weigh myself every Monday come hell or high water. I will post my weight every Monday on this blog. I will stop making excuses if I gain weight and I will stop placing unrealistic expectations on myself. eg. I will not be disappointed if I do not lose 1kg/week.
  • I will exercise. I must exercise. I've done it before and I can do it again. I will remember how good exercise makes me feel. And it does make me feel good.
  • Because weight loss is such a long, slow process I need to start rewarding myself with tangible things. Just cheap things but things all the same. When you're as obese as I am, it's quite difficult to see the results of your weightloss off the scales and looking at yourself over and over and seeing nothing but a flabby apron and saggy boobs can be simply soul destroying.
  • I am going to give up chocolate for a month starting from today. At the end of the month, if I have succeeded in not letting a single bit of chocolate pass my lips (inc pain au chocolat and Schoggipifel) I will treat myself to one of my rewards. My reward will be a copy of the new Take That cd.
  • My first goal, a la Weightwatchers (which is the plan I follow when I am following a plan), will be to lose 10% of my body weight. This is 12.6kgs. When I have achieved this I shall reward myself with something as well. From then on in, I shall aim for goals of 10% for my rewards until I reach my ultimate desired weight.
  • My ideal weight according to WW should be somewhere in the low 70kgs. I think that's too small for me so my ultimate goal weight will be 80kgs.
  • When I reach my desired weight of 80kgs I will reward myself with something huge, like a fabulous new haircut and colour, possibly while on a trip to somewhere fabulous like Milan. Yeah, that's what I'm going to do!
  • I will stop looking at thin women and wondering if I am ever going to be like them. I never, ever will.
I could go on for ever but I think I just need a few key points I can remind myself of here and there to start with.

The only good thing I can pat myself on the back for since August of last year is that I've been quite good with exercising. I haven't swum since then but I've kept a twice-weekly walking date. Jeez, can you imagine the disaster we'd have on our hands if I hadn't?

I have to do it this time. Please, wish me luck!


Andrea Knapp said...

Hey! Good Luck!

I think this is the ONLY time I have ever been on a diet that I think I can realistically stick to. It seems easy so far and I haven't yet worried. There are times that I think "Oh God, I could just go to the Olive Garden and eat a HUGE plate of pasta and chicken and sauce and then three desserts" but then I KNOW how sick I would feel afterwards. Before, I would have just thought "Sod it" and gone and done just that! Now, I am thinking about how I would feel after and how far it would set me back.

Like you, I know I'll never be one of the 'skinnies'. My weight watchers online thing says my goal weight should be 119lbs. The last time I weighed that much I was 10!

Like I said, so long as I look at this realistically, like you, I can do it!

I'm sticking with my diet Stella, good on you for sticking with yours this time!

Andy said...

Good Luck, I really must do something similar, I think I'm the heaviest I've ever been. Hopefully if I get my Allotment that will help!

Stick with it and if you waiver, think of George!

Anonymous said...

Good luck! But, how tall are you?

Ms Mac said...

Thanks Tina, I'm 5' 10" which is about 178cm, I think. It's both a blessing and a curse. I can carry a lot of weight before things get out of hand. Like they are now.