Monday, March 19, 2007

123.2 Happy with that.

More later.


I had a pretty good week, overall. By Friday I was craving, craving a huge bowl of Chinese fried noodles and/or a big bag of crisps. Friday ended up not being such a good day as eventually I gave and and enjoyed a big bag of crisps and some buttery, jammy toast. Some days there's just nothing better than white bread with loads of butter and raspberry jam. So, Friday not so good but I got back on track, foodwise, by Saturday.

Exercise wise, everything went well. Walking and swimming, my two favourite forms of exercise. Today is Monday, the day when I know I want to do some exercise but can never actually bring myself to pulling on my sneakers and getting out there. I've made an excuse that it's too wet to exercise outside today because it snowed all night. If only my local swimming pool was open on a Monday, I'd definitely go for a swim. Sadly, it's not so I will make do with doing some vigorous housework today instead. Well, I say vigorous but really, ironing while watching a movie will do.

Low fat food I've enjoyed this week has been, Spaghetti Puttanseca, Broccoli and Blue Cheese Soup, Tuna Tortilla Wraps. Yumm yumm!

Still no martini but I've promised myself one for sure this week and still no chocolate. I never thought giving up chocolate for a month would be quite so hard!


Where the wild ones grow said...

Congratulations, you are really doing well. I find it really hard do sport, no problem once I have started, but starting it I just haven't had the courage since Christmas.
I will do something, soon.
Take Care

Ms Mac said...

Thanks Maria!

Eeeek, we had a huge dump of snow in the past couple of days so the exercise has slowed down for a couple of days. I'll get back to it asap.