Tuesday, June 03, 2008


Go me! I can gain two whole kilograms in one week! Yay!

Oh wait, I'm supposed to be going the other way. FFS.

I'm not happy. I went to Burger King with Ewan for his birthday party this week and I ate a friggin' salad so that I could have chocolate cake with him later. I know that doesn't make up for me eating chocolate cake for breakfast, lunch and dinner for the next two days but still. I went to Burger King and I only had a salad! It didn't even have chicken in it!

If I was one for making excuses, I'd say, "Well, I got my period this week, blah, blah, blah....." But I know that's no excuse.

Oh well. I'll just have to try again.

1 comment:

Antipodeesse said...

Darls, menstrual bloat can easily add kilos in one day. Believe me, I know!